Banner of Moth in a Box

Moth in a Box

In "Moth in a Box", you guide a captured moth to freedom by lighting it's way, literally.
This game has been developed for my "Introduction to Electronics" elective, for which we had to create a game to be controlled by a selfmade controller. As I was intrigued by the photosensors we were given, I decided to design my game around the concept of controlling light to guide a character. And what would be more fitting than a moth being drawn to that light?

The controller for "Moth in a Box" consists of 4 photosensors, each of which is attached to one side of a box. The in-game character reacts to the light levels measured in the real room by moving in that direction. But beware! Other light sources in-game also lure in the moth, so you might have to counteract those forces to avoid a sizzling end to your journey.

My Contributions to this Project

Idea & Concept
Code Development in C#
Physical Interface Design
Unity Arduino Integration
UI & UX Design
Version Control Maintenance
Project Management
Project Presentation
This game has been developed by Daniel Heilmann during winter term 2021/22 for the course "Introduction to Electronics and Physical Interfaces" at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.