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Full AR Tournament

Full AR Tournament (“ARTo”) is a multiplayer augmented reality (AR) game that draws inspiration from the beloved turn-based combat style found in classic Pokémon games. This project emerged from the "Local Multiplayer AR" course, where the goal was to set up a NodeJS server from scratch and integrate it into an AR multiplayer application built in Unity.

The inception of Full AR Tournament was sparked by the massive impact of Pokémon Go on the perception of augmented reality. While Pokémon Go introduced AR to the masses, it left a notable gap – the absence of Trainer Battles, a core aspect of the Pokémon franchise. Even when Trainer Battles were eventually introduced, they fell short of the complexity and engagement found in previous entries of the series.

The project began to take shape rapidly, driven by extensive research, analysis and feature brainstorming. Determined to capture the essence of the original Pokémon Go trailers and provide a more faithful experience, the combat system in ARTo is reminiscent of the classic Pokémon games, offering strategic turn-based battles. However, it's worth noting that the current state of Full AR Tournament is more akin to a proof-of-concept. It may lack visual polish, but it serves as a promising prototype.

During the early development process, I came to the realization that my initial vision was overly ambitious. So I took the time to reorganize my thoughts and define a "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP), ensuring that the project remains manageable and achievable.

Ultimately, Full AR Tournament seeks to fill the void left by earlier AR games by providing a multiplayer AR experience centered on engaging turn-based battles. While it is still just in a prototype stage, ARTo does already promise an exciting journey into the world of augmented reality gaming, combining the nostalgia of classic Pokémon with the possibilities of modern AR technology.

My Contributions to this Project

Idea & Concept
Code Planning using UML
Code Development in C#
AR (Unity3D + ARFoundation)
Multiplayer (NodeJS Server)
UI & UX Design
This application has been developed by Daniel Heilmann during winter term 2022/23 as a semester project for the course “Local Multiplayer AR” at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, taught by Jan Alexander.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own or claim to own the rights to any of the monster models or respective intellectual property used in this project. Those rights are reserved by The Pokémon Company.