Banner of Enthralled


Charlie may just be your average girl working in her friend’s small café in the middle of a small city, but she really knows her way around people... And this skill comes in handy when her best friend needs assistance with creating a pleasant, chatty atmosphere during his landlord’s annual check-up on customer satisfaction.

During the journey that this game presents, you will come across three wildly different characters, you’ll come to love and cherish the more the time you spend with them. Despite their differences, all of them have one thing in common: They suffer from bad behaviours that they are either not aware of, or unable to change on their own. And that’s where you come in - help them overcome their personal problems and fears in order to make them feel content with themselves again. And with each person you help, Charlie, your player character, will learn a little more about herself, resulting in her and your personal growth.

In this project, I was responsible for the entire Unreal Engine implementation of the project from importing and configuring our character models to developing all gameplay mechanics using Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints. I developed a simple dialogue system, object interactions with cups, mugs and doors and also implemented the scene changes. Furthermore, I designed and built the intro and credits scenes.

My Contributions to this Project

Game Logic (UE4 Blueprints)
3D Modelling (Blender)
UX Design
Interaction Design
Dialogue Implementation
This experience has been developed by Daniel Heilmann, Forouzan Salsabili, Irina Nikolova and Kaan Koçak during summer term 2021 as a semester project for the Expanded Realities study course at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.