Banner of DeckONE


Have you ever wanted to meet with a friend to play a trading card game, just to notice that bringing your 250$ limited edition card on a bike ride might be a risk that you're not willing to take? Or what if you're still missing that one card to complete your deck but, of course, it's way out of your budget because of collectors rocking up the price? We believe that people who just want to play shouldn't be obligated to pay horrendous collector's prices, just to finish the deck of their dreams.
Well, DeckONE aims to fix these issues by substituting your precious real cards with tracking cards! This way, you won't need to carry around your entire card collection anymore, just to be prepared for any encounter.

DeckONE is, what our team called, an "Augmented Card Game Framework", in which you use a deck of tracking cards to represent real playing cards. The visual aspect, (the playing card image) is then projected onto it by the application. But before you can start playing, you need to assemble your deck from a large library of cards from all supported card games. This process is quick and intuitive thanks to a responsive and distraction-free interface, allowing the player to get to playing as soon as possible.

In this project, I was responsible for development, implementation and maintenance of our game architecture and code for all features, as well as for the design of placeholder UI, project management and the finalization and building of the application. I designed the code to be scalable and easily expandable for new features. The initial idea, research, ideation and concept were done by me and Jonathan Kuchenbrod.

My Contributions to this Project

Idea & Concept
Code Development in C#
AR Implementation
Project Management
Version Control Maintenance
UI Design
Android Build QA
Project Presentation
This application has been developed by Daniel Heilmann, Jonathan Kuchenbrod and Artem Brodetskii during winter term 2021/22 for the course "AR Art- and App-Development" at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.
DISCLAIMER: We do not own or claim to own the rights to any of the card artworks or respective intellectual property used in this project. Those rights are reserved by Riot Games, Inc.